Advantages of eating raisins for the human body


Advantages of eating raisins for the human body

Do you have at least some idea why the Prophet generally ate raisins⁉️‼️⁉️

Magnificence be to God, watch how much illnesses that raisins treat and what they do in the human body

This raisin, which is brought in Egypt by this name, which was adored by the Messenger, may God's requests and harmony arrive and his family, and was suggested for zakat al-Fitr, and raisins have wonderful advantages for the human body that many ignore.

Therapeutic advantages of raisins

The Prophet, may God's requests and harmony arrive, suggested raisins, and raisins are dried grapes, some of them are dark and yellow, some contain seeds and others without seeds.

Also, phosphorous, calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, fiber, starches, nutrients B, C, and sugars. It is wealthy in cell reinforcements, and it plays a significant part in treating respiratory and stomach related sicknesses.

The well known American clinical site has distributed the American Board of Medical Specialties: ABMS

A few advantages of raisins

Therapeutic advantages of raisins:

1-Reduces hypertension

2-Reduces the degree of cholesterol in the blood

3-Protective against heart disease

4-A hack suppressant by drinking bubbled raisins in water


6-A rectifier for organisms and infections


8-It forestalls the development of a layer of plaque on the teeth

9-Detoxifies the body from poisons

10-Reducing blood in the period

11-Tonic for the spleen, liver and stomach

🍇12-memory supporter

🍇13-avoidance of colon disease

🍇14-shield the eyes from sicknesses

🍇15-defender against osteoporosis



🍇18-Blood purifier

🍇19-Filter and sound purifier

((Illnesses that raisins treat))

🍇 1-Constipation.


3-Tooth rot.


🍇 5-Rheumatology. furthermore, joint inflammation.

🍇 6-Liver and gallbladder illnesses.

7-Malnutrition and underweight.

🍇 8-Sore throat.

🍇 9-Lung and chest illnesses.

10-Kidney and bladder illnesses and bladder stones

🍇 11-Distillation of pee.

🍇 12-Malaria.


🍇 14-Sister.

🍇 15-jaundice.

🍇 16-Anemia.

🍇 17-stomach illnesses 🍇

🍇18-Acidity of the stomach

🍇20-Intestinal catarrh

🍇21-Itching and scratching.


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