Human health of human health of humanity is the an majority and must


Human health of human health of humanity is the an majority and must be preserved right in the right ways to make it a human being in a state of constant activity for the health of the entire human body a group of organs and systems working together in concert, and these organs must be of oxygen and food to be healthy and free from disease to carry out their duties. Human health is a state of panic over mental and physical health, so the right person must maintain his psychological and physical health to help people well and in balance, live his life in a healthy and right way and feel it. Human health The human person should know what matters of things to help him achieve it; A healthy culture has become one of the main requirements for every individual; A preference for the Kinternet treatment.Physical health To maintain the health of the body can be followed by the following tasks and the following good reactions: a person eats healthy food to the necessary nutrients; Food consists of food groups: vitamins, sugars, fats, proteins and carbohydrates, and the body needs to avoid all of these groups in quantities and can only be obtained by eating vegetables, fruits and legumes. drink water in appropriate quantities; All cells need water to perform different tasks. Work exercise rotates the blood circulation in the body and the access of blood cells and oxygen to all parts of the body, and the withdrawal of vessels and carbon dioxide, and sports strengthen the muscles and help increase their flexibility and burn fat and heat forms that may enter the body of food or accumulate in the cells.Stay away from wrong practices that lead to the destruction of health such as: smoking, alcohol, sneezing, naming, lethargy, obesity, weight loss and unusual food; Some of them are designed with sweets or delicate foods rich in calories and free. Take enough sleep and rest to activate cells and increase their ability to perform their functions; The end and the worst accumulated wars are many diseases. Pay attention to personal hygiene to protect the body from microbes that may cause harmful diseases. Mental health and occupational health and health The following advice can be followed: The validity of a person’s supplication, worshiping God, and restoring the act of deviations; It helps to achieve psychological comfort and achieve happiness, while the complexity of distress severely leads to narrowness of the heart and the city that causes psychiatry. Relax and get away from psychological stress;The negative card that may accumulate in the body as a result of life stresses may cause many psychiatrists, and it is important to stay away from anxiety and transfer stress. Changing the daily routine that causes boredom in human life and sickness of his patient. The story of the crown of healthy heads

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